Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Steps to run a successful Online Marketing (including Social Media) Campaigns

Understand -> Measure -> Develop Strategy -> Implement -> Iterate -> Improved Implementation -> Results

Understand:- Facebook :- 350 Million, Twitter : 75 million, LinkedIn : 58 million. These numbers matter no more than a 1 minute discussion factor for a Business (Small or Big). Important is, where exactly are the potential Target customers/clients. First, understand that.

Measure :- "What gets measured, gets done" Measure the amount of people who actively seek your product and people who gets activated to know more about your product due to Viral effect. Work around the platforms where they are in abundance and concentrate on increasing this number. Take control of ROI and a good Analyst will always strive to increase the ROI.

Develop Strategy: What are the keywords people use to find your product, what campaigns have been proven successful for your competitors etc. Use all the useful data in your strategy development. Example: A local Law firm need to target only a city, so it needs everything that makes it a bigger Internet brand, but primarily in the city. This Strategy will be completely different from the Strategy of Online Retailer who sells Worldwide.

Implement: Go ahead and implement. Use variable campaigns and keep checking the results of each of them. Remove the worst ones, add more resources to the best ones and improve the mediocre ones. This will help increase the ROI. I recently did a Presentation on Small Business & Use of Internet, which highlights the Strategy for Small Business Campaigns.

Iterate: Iteration is very important for enhancing the value of offering.
Tip: If you are running Facebook Ads (Assuming CPC: 25cents and CPM 30 cents), if you are on CPC and you are getting CTR of more than 0.1%, shift the campaign to CPM, this will save your Campaign cost by 40% (40% is assuming the Campaign Manager Cost is negligible ).

Improved Implementation: By now you will have your results. Add in the data you are collecting from your Campaigns to improve the campaigns.

Results:- Keep enjoying. Important is to be effective - in knowing, what you are doing. Try to beat the benchmarks in your industry. Keep costs low (compared to benchmarks) but not at the expense of a customer acquisition.

We follow the above steps for our Vancouver Internet Marketing or any other Clients. Do visit the website for more information on Internet Marketing


Jill said...

Hello Harman,

Your slide presentation about the power of Internet marketing for local businesses is great. It's very helpful and informative.

One problem business owners face is that they do not have the time to manage social media regularly and consistently, which is vital to successful online marketing. I have a perfect solution for this problem.

If you'd like to know more it would be my pleasure to share.

Have a fabulous day.

Jill Schonberg
JillS @ JournalBuddies . com

Neeraj said...

You are Genius Man! God has Gifted you immense talent! You took the right decision to go to Canada....

How far will you climb with this brain...I can just imagine beyond imagination....

God Bless


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